Washington Sportsmen's Association has two skeet ranges.
Token may be purchased in the clubhouse 5/$20.
During archery shoots Trap - Pattern Board - Lower Skeet CLOSED
Hunting Hills Hawkeyes
Hunting Hills Hawkeyes
WSA is pleased to have these skilled, young shooters at our skeet houses to practice on Wed evenings and Sat mornings in the month of March. In April they will be at WSA on Sat mornings through July 4th.
WSA is pleased to have these skilled, young shooters at our skeet houses to practice on Wed evenings and Sat mornings in the month of March. In April they will be at WSA on Sat mornings through July 4th.
We will not be participating in the Golden Triangle Skeet League this year due to very poor attendance the past two seasons. Any WSA member who still wants to shoot the league may shoot for Library or Greater Pitt. You do not have to be a member of that Club.
Our own Fran Kosmacki was the 20 gauge world champion at the 2022 World Shoot in San Antonio and Second place for High Overall.
Our own Fran Kosmacki was the 20 gauge world champion at the 2022 World Shoot in San Antonio and Second place for High Overall.