Pistol Range Rules
Indoor/Outdoor Pistol Range Rules of the Washington Sportsmen Association as revised on August 26, 2022.
I. Purpose: The purpose of these rules is to assure the safety of all persons using the facilities of the Club, to safeguard the facilities, and to facilitate the safe functioning of the Club within our community.
II. Administration: Every member is responsible for promoting strict adherence to the letter and spirit of these rules. The Executive Range Officer is the officer with overall responsibility for the safe operation of the Club. However, every member is equally charged with knowing, understanding, following, and enforcing these rules.
III. Execution: These rules are to be considered in force at all times and during all events, whether organized Club events, informal group activities, or shooting by a single individual. Every member shall strictly adhere to these rules, and shall insist on similar adherence by all others while they are on Club property or attending a Club-sponsored function.
IV. Procedure: A Club member, observing conduct contrary to these rules, shall bring to the attention of the person responsible for such conduct, the nature of such danger of such action. This shall be done in a manner reflecting the member’s concern for mutual safety. Belligerent or dictatorial expressions shall be avoided. The member’s responsibility is to educate, not chastise. In the event this effort does not produce the desired result(s), the member shall next bring the matter to the attention of the Executive Range Officer. Since the Executive Range Officer is not always present, the reporting member shall use whatever means of communication available, but will take care to provide specific and exact details. The better the information available to the Executive Range Officer, the better the chances that corrective action will be possible.
V. General Rules: Think! The consequences of a misdirected firearm discharge can be so horrific that they place upon the shooter an additional mantle of responsibility. It would be nice to be able to rely on every shooter’s common sense when it comes to safety. Unfortunately, common sense can be an uncommon reaction. However rare it may be, we must rely on common sense to some extent, since it is not possible to write rules to cover absolutely every circumstance. The following are some rules to be followed at all times:
A. No rifles or shotguns of any kind permitted on Pistol / Plinking ranges. B. Pistols ( .22 cal through .45 cal) only may be used.
C. Eye and ear protection are required for all shooters and guests.
D. Full automatic fire is prohibited on any range. Firearms with selectable fire control may be used in semi automatic mode.
E. Shoot only on designated ranges, and shoot only the targets for which those ranges are intended
F. Do not shoot unless there is safe light and sufficient visibility to assure your ability to deal with the unexpected. Note: Safe shooting hours are posted on the range and in the Club House.
G. Load firearms only immediately before intending to fire.
H. Use only appropriate firearms and ammunition for this range.
I. Always point firearms, loaded or otherwise, in a direction that, should it discharge, no catastrophe would result
J. Never handle firearms if anyone is forward of the firing line.
K. During organized Club events, the Range Officer’s word is law. Obey all his commands, whether or not convenient. “Step back from the line” means exactly that.
L. In all circumstances, all shooters on a particular range shall cease fire and clear their firearms before another shooter starts forward.
M. The safety and behavior of all children and guests is the responsibility of the member bringing them to the Club grounds. When going forward of the line to hang or repair targets you cannot leave children at the line with live arms. Children must accompany you to the targets or all firearms must be disabled.
N. Pets shall be on a leash or, if being trained under control of a handler. Dogs only shall be allowed to run free only if being trained. In all other cases, all pets shall not be allowed to run free.
O. While engaging in a shooting activity, firearms shall be left open and unloaded, at the firing line, except when firing is actually in progress. Firearms shall not be carried to the target area, unless they are unloaded and holstered.
P. At the conclusion of your shooting activity, police the range. Remove everything you brought. Everything!
Q. Please drive slowly on the club grounds and keep to the gravel roadways.
R. The wood frames, those built to hold paper targets, etc. are not to be used as target backers or otherwise shot up. Common sense please.
VI. Plinking Range / Outdoor Pistol:
A. This range was created for the simple fun of simply shooting. It is intended for the completely unorganized enjoyment of the members, as well as organized events. The only restriction concerns safety. As it is permissible to shoot at various distances from targets placed on this range, the range is limited to one shooting group at a time. If another person (or group) comes to the range while it is being used by another person, the new person should ask the person using the range if they can jointly use the range. The person(s) on the range has the option to allow the new person (or group) with him or, ask the new person requesting to join him to wait. As a courtesy to all shooters, the Club requests that all shooters not monopolize the range and have consideration for those that may be waiting to use the range. In all cases, use common sense and consider at all times the safety of others.
B. Informal targets, such as plastic jugs are permitted. Such targets are to be placed on the rear bank of the range, on the berm. Such targets are to be removed, not left behind, when finished. Remember to consider ricochets when positioning targets. This also applies to the fabric liner on the floor of the range, under the gravel. Shooting into the floor of the range destroys the fabric liner and increases the operating and maintenance costs associated with this range. Remember, that firing above the target bunker places who knows what in danger. Control your elevation – the trees are not a backstop.
C. Any object containing any amount of glass is prohibited, as are such items as paints and glues, volatile liquids, metal cans of any description, oils or grease, putrid cheeses, furniture, discarded refrigerant bearing equipment or any equipment for that matter. I.e. If you don’t want it, neither do we!
D. Clean up after yourself!!! We don’t have a “grounds crew” we’d like to, but unfortunately we don’t. Any trash you leave behind must be removed…. By you. If you brought it in, you take it out! We have a dumpster for just such an occasion. You are encouraged to use the dumpster. Please keep the Club clean.
E. Holsters are permitted while on the range. Holsters are commonly used in USPSA, IDPA, IPSC & SASS.
F. Cross-firing is prohibited.
G. Any shooter while engaging steel targets must maintain a minimum distance of no less than 26’ from the nearest steel target.
VII. Indoor Range
A. All safety rules apply.
B. Indoor range is closed to all members when there is any regular or special function on the main floor.
C. The exhaust fan must be on at all times while range is in use.
D. Paper targets of silhouette targets are allowed, but nothing else is.
E. Clean up after yourself, take the paper trash out. Brass casings can remain in the buckets provided.
F. Mats, those hanging on the wall, can be placed on the floor, to protect your magazines during magazine changes.
Pistol Range Rules of the Washington Sportsmen’s Association - Aug 26, 2022 Page 3 of 3